whenever I open my browsers, delta-homes.com tab is added to the browser. I try to remove delta-homes.com in all of my browsers(IE,FF,chrome,Opera) by registry in run > regedit, about:config in firefox, changing home page and search engine defaults and reset Internet Explorer(and reinstall it from "Turn Windows features on or off")....! but it isn't removed. What should I do?
How can I remove delta-homes.com from browsers?
184 views Asked by Mahin At
There are 2 answers
For IE. Goto -> Tools tab -> manage Add-onns -> serach provider. In right side find delta home and right click and select remove.
For crome goto settings->manage serch engine -> select delta home and remove it with click on cross sign from right side. and click Done. now Gone delta home.
or you can remove it with this tools Adware remover Tool .
Maybe you should try AdwCleaner to clean up your system...