Or more precisely...
I already have an error page route defined like so:
GET /error controllers.pages.ErrorController.page(msg: String, returnTo: String)
And a controller method like this:
object ErrorController extends Controller {
def page(msg: String, returnTo: String) = ReceiverRestricted { implicit req =>
val action = List(Button(F8, "Continue", Call("GET", returnTo)))
Results.Ok(views.html.base(Html("Oops"), List(Html(msg)), None, action))
If I programmatically call, say, ErrorController.page("You did something daft!", "/home")
I get to a page that looks like I want, ie:
Oops You did something daft! F8 Continue
However the url is ugly:
I want to change this so the msg=
query parameter doesn't appear in the url. How can I accomplish this? I tried removing the query parameter and redirecting to the error page with the message passed in via the flash cookie - that worked but reloading the browser page loses the message. I can't use the session cookie because I already store other data in the session almost upto its limit.
You can use flash feature. Here is a sample: In your controller you can redirect the user to error page with:
And in Error action:
Obviously you can have as many as flash variables you want.