How can I print values of a key in sorted order in a multimap

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I need to design a data structure that basically stores key-value pairs with key being an integer and its value a string.

Condition 1: There could be multiple values associated with a Key.

Condition 2: I need to print all the keys stored in this map in descending order.

Condition 3: Though the Keys(integers) are printed in Descending order, their corresponding values(strings) must be printed in lexicographic(sorted in ascending) order.

Sample Input:

78 Eve                                      
99 Bob                                       
78 Alice                                    

Expected Output:

99 Bob
78 Alice
78 Eve

Notice the keys are in descending order, while the values are in ascending order.

To do this I have come up with below code in C++:

#include <iostream>
#include <map>

using namespace std;

int main()
    int N;
    string name;
    int marks;
    multimap<int, string, greater<int>> studMap;
    multimap<int, string, greater<int>>::iterator itBeg, itEnd;
    typedef multimap<int, string, greater<int>>::iterator mapIter;

    cin >> N;   // total no. of key-value pairs input by user

    while (N--)
        cin >> name >> marks;  // pairs of value-key input by user - N times
        studMap.insert(pair<int, string>(marks, name));

    for (itBeg = studMap.begin(); itBeg != studMap.end(); itBeg = itEnd)
        marks = itBeg->first;

        pair<mapIter, mapIter> keyRange = studMap.equal_range(marks);

        for (itEnd = keyRange.first; itEnd != keyRange.second; ++itEnd)
            cout << marks << " " << itEnd->second << endl;
    return 0;

But I am getting output as shown below:

99 Bob
78 Eve 
78 Alice

whereas I need pair(78, Alice) to be printed before (78, Eve)


There are 2 answers

Gabe Sechan On

I wouldn't use multimap. I'd use a map<int, set<string>>. The reason is you need both your keys and values sorted. A multimap is only going to sort the keys. By using a map of sets, the map will sort by keys and the set will sort by values (assuming you give it the right comparator).

Ross Smith On

If you want to sort key-value pairs by both the key and the value, then you don't want a multimap, which doesn't provide any way to sort on values with the same key. You want a set of pairs, with a custom comparison function that sorts them in the order you want. Something like this (warning, code written off the top of my head, not tested):

using KeyValue = std::pair<int, std::string>;

struct CompareKeyValue {
    bool operator()(const KeyValue& lhs, const KeyValue& rhs) const {
        if (lhs.first != rhs.first)
            return lhs.first > rhs.first; // Reverse order
            return lhs.second < rhs.second;

std::set<KeyValue, CompareKeyValue> my_data;