I'm new in pintool, i know how to pass instruction address to call back, by using:
IARG_ADDRINT, INS_Address(ins),
// My call back function is:
MyFunction(UINT64 insAddress) { .... }
Is there is a way to pass instruction to the call back, or can extract it from its address.
MyFunction( UINT64 insAddress, INS ins ) {.... }
MyFunction(UINT64 insAddress) {
INS ins = someFunction(insAddress);// some function that return instruction of a specified address
How can i pass instruction to a call back in intel-pintool?
954 views Asked by Mos Moh At
I found some one say that:
" this is about the analysis routine, not the instrumentation routine. AFAIK, you can't deal with INS, BBL or TRACE types in an analysis routine, and as you have seen there's no way to pass them to the analysis routine... "