How can I pass data to a protobuf `oneof` in tonic?

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How can I pass data to a protobuf oneof in tonic?

I couldn't find any instruction or example in the docs.


There are 1 answers

sunside On

Tonic should generate an enum and corresponding type for each oneof variant. You'll have to match on that.

I'm assuming tonic = "0.4.3" and prost = "0.7.0" or higher for this answer. Let's use the following .proto definition as an example:

syntax = "proto3";

package stack_overflow;

service StackOverflow {
  rpc Question (HelpRequest) returns (HelpResponse);

message HelpRequest {
  oneof foo {
    FroozleType froozle = 1;
    FrobnikType frobnik = 2;

message FroozleType {
  int32 value = 1;
message FrobnikType {}

message HelpResponse {
  oneof bar {
    QuxType qux = 1;
    BazType baz = 2;

message QuxType {
  int32 answer = 1;
message BazType {
  string comment = 1;

When built, this generates the following types and traits. For the service:

  • stack_overflow_server::StackOverflow: the server trait

For the requests:

  • HelpRequest: the struct for the request message
  • help_request::Foo: an enum for the oneof foo in the request having an Froozle and a Frobnik variant
  • FroozleType: the struct of the FroozleType message
  • FrobnikType: the struct of the FrobnikType message

For the replies:

  • HelpResponse: the struct for the response message
  • help_response::Bar: an enum for the oneof bar in the response having an Qux and a Baz variant
  • QuxType: the struct of the QuxType message
  • BazType: the struct of the BazType message

For example, the HelpRequest struct and help_request::Foo enum are defined as such:

#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)]
pub struct HelpRequest {
    #[prost(oneof = "help_request::Foo", tags = "1, 2")]
    pub foo: ::core::option::Option<help_request::Foo>,

/// Nested message and enum types in `HelpRequest`.
pub mod help_request {
    #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Oneof)]
    pub enum Foo {
        #[prost(message, tag = "1")]
        #[prost(message, tag = "2")]

Sticking it all together, an example implementation of the above service could look like this:

use tonic::{Request, Response, Status};

mod grpc {

pub struct StackOverflowService {}

impl grpc::stack_overflow_server::StackOverflow for StackOverflowService {
    async fn question(
        request: Request<grpc::HelpRequest>,
    ) -> Result<Response<grpc::HelpResponse>, Status> {
        let request = request.into_inner();

        let bar = match {
            Some(grpc::help_request::Foo::Froozle(froozle)) => {
                Some(grpc::help_response::Bar::Qux(grpc::QuxType {
                    answer: froozle.value + 42,
            Some(grpc::help_request::Foo::Frobnik(_)) => {
                Some(grpc::help_response::Bar::Baz(grpc::BazType {
                    comment: "forty-two".into(),
            None => None,

        let reply = grpc::HelpResponse { bar };
        return Ok(Response::new(reply));