How can I override the @context when loading json-ld in Jena

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I am loading a JSON-LD document using Jena:

  Model mj = RDFDataMgr.loadModel([filename]);

The actual content being loaded is here:

Jena goes off and resolves the context, and returns an error (LOADING_REMOTE_CONTEXT_FAILED - lovely suppression of the actual cause in the Jena code :-(). But I need to override the context anyway, and use a different source, because I am doing the build for what will be posted at, and I need to use my local versions instead. I can't see how to override the context resolution

Alternatively, I could use the loading method documented here: - but I have no idea how to get to a Jena graph from there (and I haven't figured out how make the custom resolution work in my Eclipse context either)

How can I get to a Jena graph using a context defined in code somewhere?


There are 1 answers

berezovskyi On
  1. I think Jena devs are subscribed to the relevant tag RSS streams. They might weigh in on the clarity of LOADING_REMOTE_CONTEXT_FAILED error. But it seems pretty clear to me.

  2. In order to override the context, you can use read(Model model, String uri, Context context) method. ModelFactory.createDefaultModel() will create a intance of a Model that you can pass as a first argument. See more examples here:

  3. Alternative library is not Jena-compatible (nor RDF4J, which strikes me as rather silly), so there is no easy way to use it with Jena-dependent code.

  4. Finally, you provided the code example for getting a model but now mention a graph – there is a method for that as well: read(Graph graph, String uri, Context context).