I wanna make alert while item in inventory <= safety stock quantity, so I create new field "Out Of Stock" in table Item (27), and I put this code in Page Item List (31) in OnAfterGetRecord() trigger.
IF (Inventory <= "Safety Stock Quantity") THEN VALIDATE("Out Of Stock",TRUE) ELSE CLEAR("Out Of Stock");
It's working but if I filter 'Out Of Stock" in List the filter is weird. I must modify this page after post journal,but in OnAfterGetRecord() trigger cannot modify.
You must update (not the page but Item table) when any inventory action is performed in the system. Anything that changes table 32 (Item Ledger Entry).
I believe there is a way to do it w/o development. You can run Reorder function pereodically and if it is creating order proposals for certain item then inventory is low. Depends on setups.