How can I convert this code to pop-up window instead of alert.
var today = new Date();
var h = today.getHours();
var m = today.getMinutes();
var c = today.getDate();
var y = m - 14;
z = checkNegative(y, h);
w = checkTime(z[0]);
x = checkZero(z[1]);
alert('Security Alert ' + getURLParameter('model') + '\nSomeone tried to access your' + getURLParameter('model') + '\nat ' + x + ":" + w + ' from:\nIP: 145.643.256\nKiev, Ukraine, \n\nRecommended action: Install anti-virus now in order to protect your' + getURLParameter('model'));
You can use Bootstrap modal or Bootstrap popover components for your use. If you dont want to use Bootstrap due to your design, just let me know.