I'm learning SQL through GALAXQL http://sol.gfxile.net/galaxql.html
Im on lesson 17 - GROUP BY/HAVING
Here is the scenario:
Let's look at couple of SELECT operations we haven't covered yet, namely GROUP BY and HAVING.
The syntax for these operations looks like this:
SELECT columns FROM table GROUP BY column HAVING expression
The GROUP BY command in a SELECT causes several output rows to be combined into a single row. This can be very useful if, for example, we wish to generate new statistical data as a table.
For example, to find out the highest intensities from stars for each class, we would do:
Select Class, Max(Intensity) As Brightness From Stars Group By Class Order By Brightness Desc
The HAVING operator works pretty much the same way as WHERE, except that it is applied after the grouping has been done. Thus, we could calculate the sum of brightnesses per class, and crop out the classes where the sum is higher than, say, 150.
SELECT class, SUM(intensity) AS brightness FROM stars GROUP BY class HAVING brightness < 150 ORDER BY brightness DESC
We could refer to columns that are not selected in the HAVING clause, but the results might be difficult to understand. You should be able to use the aggregate functions in the HAVING clause (for example, brightness < MAX(brightness)*0.5, but this seems to crash the current version of SQLite.
When combined with joins, GROUP BY becomes rather handy. To find out the number of planets per star, we can do:
SELECT stars.starid AS starid, COUNT(planets.planetid) AS planet_count FROM planets, stars WHERE stars.starid=planets.starid GROUP BY stars.starid
Hilight the star with most orbitals (combined planets and moons). (Note that the validation query is somewhat heavy, so be patient after pressing "Ok, I'm done..").
Here was my answer
SELECT stars.starid AS HighStar,
(COUNT(planets.planetid) + COUNT(moons.moonid)) AS OrbitalsTotal
FROM stars
ON stars.starid = planets.starid
ON planets.planetid = moons.planetid
GROUP BY stars.starid
ORDER BY OrbitalsTotal DESC;
This query showed me that the star with the most oribtals has 170 orbitals
So then:
INSERT INTO hilight SELECT result.HighStar
FROM result
ON result.HighStar = stars.starid
WHERE result.OrbitalsTotal = 170
My question to you is how can I make this query better? I don't want to have to hard code the 170 orbitals and I dont want to have to create a second query to insert the data.