I have created an Azure logic app in Azure Portal which uses Azure functions and Azure Service Bus. I want to deliver this whole logic app to client so that he can configure it in his Azure Subscription. How can I push my Azure Logic App to GitHub or any other place so that I can make it distribute able. So that anyone can deploy it in his Azure subscription or resource group. Help!
How can I make my Azure logic app portable
606 views Asked by Shaffan At
There are 2 answers
You'll need to make an Azure Deployment Template. If you create the logic app within the Visual Studio tools it's created for you with the logicapp.json
file - we are working right now to let you import a logic app into visual studio. For now you can still create a template with a PowerShell command. Details on creating a deployment template can be found in this article.
You'll also need to add the Azure Function to the same template. You can see an example of a template that deploys both a logic app and an azure function in the same template here - let me know if that helps.
You can download the template from the Azure Portal.
Goto Resource Groups > Select your Resource Group > Click on Automation Scrips.
You will see the Deployment template - which will help you to deploy all the resources in the Resource Group.
If you just want the Function to be exported, Go to the Function > Click on Automation Scripts.
You can follow http://blogs.perficient.com/microsoft/2016/03/azure-arm-template-import-and-export-templates-from-portal/ to know more about Importing and Exporting Azure Templates.