How can I make HoneySQL handle order by as a compound key?

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Note that the output has been "stylized" so it reads better here on SO.

What I've got...

    (sqlh/select :*) 
    (sqlh/from :event) 
    (sqlh/merge-where [:in :field_id ["1673576", "1945627", "1338971"]]) 
    (sqlh/merge-where [:in :layer ["fha.abs" "fha.rank" "fha.true-color"]])
    (sqlh/merge-order-by :field_id)
    (sqlh/merge-order-by :layer)
    (sqlh/merge-order-by :event_date)
    (sqlh/limit 5)))
  FROM event 
  WHERE ((field_id in (?, ?, ?)) AND (layer in (?, ?, ?))) 
  ORDER BY field_id, layer, event_date 
  LIMIT ?"

What I want...

    (sqlh/select :*) 
    (sqlh/from :event) 
    (sqlh/merge-where [:in :field_id ["1673576", "1945627", "1338971"]]) 
    (sqlh/merge-where [:in :layer ["fha.abs" "fha.rank" "fha.true-color"]])
    ;;; this doesn't work, but is conceptually what I'm looking for
    (sqlh/merge-order-by [:field_id :layer :event_date])
    (sqlh/limit 5)))
  FROM event 
  WHERE ((field_id in (?, ?, ?)) AND (layer in (?, ?, ?))) 
  ORDER BY (field_id, layer, event_date) 
  LIMIT ?"

How can I get HoneySQL to emit SQL that treats my order by clause as the compound key that the table itself is using as the Primary Key?

It seems HoneySQL should be able to do this as it "does the right thing" when presented the same challenge in a where clause like...

    (sqlh/select :*)
    (sqlh/from :event)
    (sqlh/merge-where [:= [:field_id :layer :event_date] ["1338971" "fha.abs" (c/from-string "2011-08-02T10:54:55-07")]])))
["SELECT * FROM event WHERE (field_id, layer, event_date) = (?, ?, ?)"
 #object[org.joda.time.DateTime 0xe59f807 "2011-08-02T17:54:55.000Z"]]

There are 2 answers


First you need to look at the format behavior on order-by

(sql/format {:order-by [:c1 :c2]}) 
=> ["ORDER BY c1, c2"]
(sql/format {:order-by [[:c1 :desc] :c2]})
=> ["ORDER BY c1 DESC, c2"]

that is the struct about order-by which will be generated.

If you look at the macro defhelper it will do two things.

  1. defrecord for the spec type
  2. define a function to call the mutimethod

(do (defmethod build-clause :order-by [_ m fields] (assoc m :order-by (collify fields))) (defn order-by [& args__14903__auto__] (let [[m__14904__auto__ args__14903__auto__] (if (plain-map? (first args__14903__auto__)) [(first args__14903__auto__) (rest args__14903__auto__)] [{} args__14903__auto__])] (build-clause :order-by m__14904__auto__ args__14903__auto__))) (alter-meta! #'order-by assoc :arglists '([fields] [m fields])))

The collify is very simple.

 (defn collify [x]
     (if (coll? x) x [x]))

So , we need to look at defn order-by function . When you call (sqlh/merge-order-by {} [:a :b]),

args__14903__auto__ = '({} [:a :b])

The first if will create two var m__14904__auto__ = {} and args__14903__auto__ = (rest args__14903__auto__) = ([:a :b]).

So, I guess the merge-order-by function is wrong.

I solve your problem like this.

    (sqlh/select :*)
    (sqlh/from :event)
    (sqlh/merge-where [:in :field_id ["1673576", "1945627", "1338971"]])
    (sqlh/merge-where [:in :layer ["fha.abs" "fha.rank" "fha.true-color"]])
    (sqlh/merge-order-by [:field_id :desc] :layer :event_date)
    (sqlh/limit 5)))
Bob Kuhar On

Its been over 2 years, but I finally know enough Clojure and have worked with HoneySQL long enough to see what my younger self was missing. It didn't want the compound key as a vector: sqlh/order-by is variadic:

(doc sqlh/order-by)
([& fields] [m & fields])

What it really wanted was (sqlh/order-by :field_id :layer [:event_date :desc]). The vector was only needed to make a specific field sort DESC.

So this was what I was trying to do:

(-> (sqlh/select :*)
    (sqlh/from :event)
    (sqlh/merge-where [:in :field_id field-ids])
    (sqlh/merge-where (cond (not-empty layers) [:in :layer layers]))
    (sqlh/merge-where (make-where-for-timestamp
                        :event_date event-date-from event-date-to))
    (sqlh/merge-where (make-where-for-timestamp
                        :updated_at updated-at-from updated-at-to))
    (sqlh/order-by :field_id :layer [:event_date :desc])
["SELECT * FROM event WHERE ((field_id in (?)) AND (layer in (?, ?, ?))) ORDER BY field_id, layer, event_date DESC"

@savior was correct at all along. My Clojure wasn't good enough to understand it.