I am trying to make a std::formatter for a custom type with custom format specifiers. I cannot figure out how to do this without loosing all the standard formatting done in the formatting library.
Here is an example where I format a user type 'type_a' as roman numerals.
#include <iostream>
#include <format>
using namespace std;
struct type_a { int val; };
struct std::formatter<type_a> : formatter<string_view> {
using base = formatter<string_view>;
// How do I take out my special formatting characters and get the rest parsed by std::something?
constexpr auto parse( format_parse_context & parse_ctx ) {
auto pos = parse_ctx.begin();
int bracket_count = 1;
while( pos != parse_ctx.end() && bracket_count > 0 ) {
if( *pos == '{' )
else if( *pos == '}' )
else if( *pos == 'M' ) // Output as roman numerals
roman_numerals = true;
while( pos != parse_ctx.end() && bracket_count > 0 ) {
if( *pos == '{' )
else if( *pos == '}' )
return pos; // pos points to the last bracket.
template<template<typename, typename> typename Basic_Format_Context, typename Output_Iterator, typename CharT>
auto format( const type_a & obj, Basic_Format_Context<Output_Iterator, CharT> & format_ctx ) const {
auto roman_string = []( int val ) {
string romans[] = { "M", "CM", "D", "CD", "C", "XC", "L", "XL", "X", "IX", "V", "IV", "I" };
int values[] = { 1000, 900, 500, 400, 100, 90, 50, 40, 10, 9, 5, 4, 1 };
string result;
for( int i = 0; i < 13; ++i ) {
while( val - values[i] >= 0 ) {
result += romans[i];
val -= values[i];
return result;
string str;
if( roman_numerals )
format_to( back_inserter( str ), "{}", roman_string( obj.val ) );
format_to( back_inserter( str ), "{}", obj.val );
return base::format( str, format_ctx );
bool roman_numerals = false;
int main() {
// Runtime parsed.
cout << vformat( "The number '{0:>10}' as roman numerals '{1:>10}' \n", make_format_args( 123, "CXXIII" ) );
cout << vformat( "The number '{0:>10}' as roman numerals '{0:>10M}' \n", make_format_args( type_a{ 123 } ) );
// Compile time parsed
cout << format( "The number '{0:>10}' as roman numerals '{0:>10M}' \n", type_a{ 123 } );
I am loosing the width I specify and the justification of the output.
How can I make such a formatter
and keep all the standard formatting?
Thanks in advance.
I think you can put the Roman numeral specifier before the standard spec and set
by detecting its presence.This allows you to reuse the standard formatter. Take the indicator
as an example:Then you can use it like