I am working on a Flutter/Dart rescue cat adoption app and I have a Pintrest style masonry grid layout of the cats available. I have a rough draft of a card which shows a photo of the cat and below that basic info like name and breed and characteristics and location.
I would like to have a card layout that looks like the following but not sure how to round off the top and bottom of the card and have a variable height image. For the image I want it to have a set width but a variable height which will be high enough to not cut off either the sides or top or bottom of the image. The images come in a wide variety of widths and heights. The white text part should be fixed both in height and width. The card should look like this:
I am pretty new to Flutter. How can this card layout be done?
Try below code.
Result Image->![image](https://i.stack.imgur.com/emK1I.png)