How can I list all the unique values under max cardinality to an email alert

75 views Asked by At
name: Recon-Same Source IP Scanning Multiple IPs
index: "*:so-*"
type: cardinality
cardinality_field: "destination.ip"
max_cardinality: 15
  minutes: 5
- query_string:
    query: "event.module:panw AND source.ip:*"
query_key: source.ip    
- "email"

Is there a way for me to extract the unique list of destination.ip that triggered this rule and show it on my email alert ?

I tried this on my email part of the config.

 - "[email protected]"
 - "[email protected]"

from_addr: "[email protected]"

email_format: "html"
alert_text_type: alert_text_only
alert_text_args: [source.ip, "@timestamp", destination.ip, max_cardinality_result, count]
alert_text: |
        The following source IP has scanned multiple destination IPs:
        Source IP: {{ctx.results.0.query_key}}
        Unique Destination IPs:
          - {{key}}
        <p>Source IP: {2}</p>
        <p>Destination IP count {4}{{destination.ip}}{{ports}}</p>

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