I found this question but did not see any good answer to it: Getting information from Django custom signal receiver
Here is my problem:
Inside send_signals_and_get_transition_status() function I send 2 signals but in case first signal receiver's check_if_server_connected() response is False I don't want to execute another signal. How do i get a response from this particular receiver? I could not find it in django documentation.
I cannot get it like this response[0][1] as the order of the results in the response list might be different.
waiting_for_auto_connect_task = Signal(providing_args=["server_id"])
waiting_for_server_success_tasks = Signal(providing_args=["server_id"])
def send_signals_and_get_transition_status(server_id):
response = wait_for_auto_connect_task.send(sender=None, server_id=server_id)
logger.debug('First signal response: {}'.format(response))
# Get results from the receiver check_if_server_connected() response
# If response it True only then send another signal
response = waiting_for_server_success_tasks.send(sender=None, server_id=server_id)
# else:
raise CouldNotConnectToTheServerException()
def check_if_server_connected(sender, **kwargs):
server_id = kwargs["server_id"]
# ...
results = check_if_server_connected_task.apply_async((server_id,))
return results.get()
def check_if_all_services_are_ready(sender, **kwargs):
server_id = kwargs["server_id"]
# ...
return are_services_ready(server_id)
First signal response:
[(<function check_if_server_connected at 0x6875de8>, False), (<function check_if_all_services_are_ready at 0x6875e60>, True)]
I think I figured it out myself. Not sure if this is the best solution, but I made a function which gets me the results: