I'm fetching the values from my table in ajax.
$(data.mesIzinTanimList).each(function (index, element) {
if (element.izinTanimiVarmi == 'yok')
tr = "<tr class='bg-warning text-warning-50' row='" + element.userId + "' >";
tr = "<tr class='bg-light text-white-50 ' row='" + element.userId + "' >";
tr += "<td>" + element.sicilNo + "</td>";
tr += "<td>" + element.adSoyad + "</td>";
tr += "<td>" + element.bagliOlduguKisi + "</td>";
tr += "<td>" + element.bagliOlduguKisiSicilNo + "</td>";
tr += "<td style='display:none'>" + element.bagliOlduguKisiId + "</td>";
tr += "<td> <button onclick= 'tanimlaBtn(" + element.userId + " , " + element.adiSoyadi + " ," + element.bagliOlduguKisiId + ", " + element.bagliOlduguKisi + ")' type='button' class ='btn btn-info'> Tanımla </button></td>";
tr += "</tr>";
I open a modal with the define Btn onclick feature.
function tanimlaBtn(userId, adSoyad, bagliOlduguKisiId, bagliOlduguKisi) {
document.getElementById('userId').value = userId;
document.getElementById('bagliOlduguKisiId').value = bagliOlduguKisiId;
document.getElementById('bagliOlduguKisi').value = bagliOlduguKisi;
document.getElementById('adSoyad').value = adSoyad;
The adSoyad
and bagliOlduguKisi
information appears as undefined. They should be string values.
How can I solve this?
The parameters for the function should be wrapped in doubles quotes and escaped e.g
Try replacing: