I'm trying to run fastLmPure
in a loop, avoiding copying a large matrix.
I've pre-allocated the matrix to the size I need, and it's only the last column I need to change values in. i.e. it doesn't grow.
I've boiled it down to the minimal cases below, which illustrate the problem I'm having.
I expect the modification of matrix to be done in-place, but instead I get a copy because ref counter has been incremented by the call out to Rcpp.
doesn't modify X, so why does an extra refcount hang around, which causes R to make a copy when I next modify?
How can I get a modify-in-place after execution returns from fastLm?
(I'm using R 4.1.2, and running via console to avoid any RStudio env pane reference issues.)
Example 1:
minimal_fastLm <- function() {
y <- c(1,2)
X <- matrix(data = c(1,1,2,3), nrow = 2, ncol = 2)
model <- .Call("_RcppArmadillo_fastLm_impl", X, y, PACKAGE = "RcppArmadillo")
X[, 2] <- c(3,4)
Gives output (edited for clarity):
Address unchanged through call to fastLm, but ref count increased, then copy made on modify. (See bold).
@0x0000000017401560 14 REALSXP g0c3 [REF(1),ATT] (len=4, tl=0) 1,1,2,3
@0x0000000017401560 14 REALSXP g0c3 [REF(2),ATT] (len=4, tl=0) 1,1,2,3
@0x00000000174ad568 14 REALSXP g0c3 [REF(1),ATT] (len=4, tl=0) 1,1,3,4
Example 2: Even more minimal (pure Rcpp)
cppFunction('int rawSEXP(SEXP X) { return(1); }')
cppFunction('int asNumMat(NumericMatrix X) { return(1); }')
pureRcpp <- function() {
X <- matrix(data = c(1,1,2,3), nrow = 2, ncol = 2)
X[, 2] <- c(4,5) # Initially modifies in place because X has REF(1).
rawSEXP(X) # Call Rcpp function with raw SEXP
X[, 2] <- c(6,7) # Still modifies in place because X has REF(1).
asNumMat(X) # Call Rcpp function that casts to NumericMatrix
X[, 2] <- c(8,9) # Causes a copy because X has REF(3).
X was never modified by Rcpp. Nor do I want it to be. I just want to read data.
So why was ref counter not decremented back to 1 when NumericMatrix went out of scope?
After some digging, I found that there's some cleaning up that Rcpp could be doing, but isn't.
Raised as a bug, with solution identified. Will be fixed in the next release of Rcpp. https://github.com/RcppCore/Rcpp/pull/1205
So, the answer is: