how can i get cosign diatance between two words in Deeplearning4j - Word2vec

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I'm using deeplearning4j to learn text data.

I'm done with word2vec tutorial at deeplearning4j website and successfully

trained word vectors with 100 documents.

but i don't know how to get cosign distance of two different words like below picture

enter image description here

Like this picture, if i insert word 'France'

i want to get

[similar words with france + cosign distance]

i can get [similar words with france]

but i don't know how to get cosign distance value.

any solution?


There are 2 answers

Sungjin.Kim On

oops sorry my bad i missed some parts of tutorial


i get solution

double cosSim = vec.similarity("day", "night");
        //output: 0.7704452276229858


forget about this stupid question

Adam Gibson On