It seems that "!htrace -diff" can only show 16 frames. How can I increase the frame counts in the stack traces? The following is one of the handles leaked detected by !htrace -diff. I can't read anything from it without a complete stack trace.
Handle = 0x00000f7c - OPEN
Thread ID = 0x00001cc4, Process ID = 0x00009f20
0x01b8dad8: +0x01b8dad8
0x018c6e93: +0x018c6e93
0x7788179a: +0x7788179a
0x000a20bb: +0x000a20bb
0x753ab069: +0x753ab069
0x7539cf87: +0x7539cf87
0x75322776: +0x75322776
0x7539d07e: +0x7539d07e
0x7539c549: +0x7539c549
0x778ae707: +0x778ae707
0x7785c32e: +0x7785c32e
0x77a2ff66: ntdll!ZwCreateEvent+0x00000012
0x69bffc58: verifier!AVrfpNtCreateEvent+0x0000006b
0x77390d93: KERNELBASE!CreateEventExW+0x0000006e
0x773911c6: KERNELBASE!CreateEventW+0x00000027
0x69bffd8f: verifier!AVrfpCreateEventW+0x00000078
This link point to this one Which tells that basically it is hard coded.