Here is my test
- (void)test_IsOverLimit {
id myCoordinator = OCMPartialMock([[MyCoordinator alloc] init]);
XCTestExpectation *expectationLimitResult = [self expectationWithDescription:@"my limit result"];
[myCoordinator getLimitResultWithCompletion:^(LimitResult *limitResult) {
//complete test.
[expectationLimitResult fulfill];
[self waitForExpectations:@[expectationLimitResult] timeout:10];
The issue is that getLimitResultWithCompletion calls another async method, getlimitRecordWithCompletion, like so:
- (void)getLimitResultWithCompletion:(void(^)(LimitResult *))completion {
[[Context someContext] getlimitRecordWithCompletion:^(LimitRecord *result) {
LimitResult *limitResult = [[LimitResult alloc] init];
LimitRecord *limitRecord = result;
BOOL isOverLimit = limitRecord.someValue > someOtherConstantValue;
if (isOverLimit) {
limitResult.message = @"You have exceeded some pre-determined limit";
limitResult.isOverLimit = YES;
else {
limitResult.message = nil;
limitResult.isOverLimit = NO;
When I debug the test, the code in getlimitRecordWithCompletion doesn't get executed. The debugger just skips it. Of course, the test fails. I am not very familiar with expectations and testing async code. Is there something else I need to do to get this test to execute the way I expect it to? getlimitRecordWithCompletion executes fine normally but not under test. The test eventually times out and the expectationLimitResult is never fulfilled.