How can I fix Discord Bot Keyv [Object Promise] error?

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Im kind of new to discord.js, and I'm building a bot for the Winter season. I'm building a feature called !gift, which will let you gift stuff to ppl virtually. ( Not with money or anything). I am using Keyv to store how many gifts each user has received so far. Here is my code -

client.on('message', message => {
  const args = message.content.slice(config.prefix.length).trim().split(/ +/g);
  const command = args.shift().toLowerCase();
  if (command === 'gift') {
    let sender =;
    let receiver = message.mentions.users.first();
    let [sender1, gift] = args;
    if (keyv.get(receiver) === undefined) {
      keyv.set(receiver, giftcount);
    let prevvalue = keyv.get(receiver).then(prevvalue => {
   let currentval = keyv.set(receiver, prevvalue+=1).then(currentval => {

    //; + ' has gifted ' + receiver + ' ' + gift + '! They have ' +  currentval + ' gifts right now.');


Before I added .then(), when it sent the message, it said

They have [object Promise] gifts right now.

My friend suggested I add .then() to fix that, and I did, but I have no idea where to put it, and neither did he.

When I run the above code, I get the following error -

ReferenceError: currentval is not defined

Could someone please help me?


There are 1 answers

Lioness100 On BEST ANSWER

[object Promise] isn't an error; it's the string form of a pending promise. Your friend is correct, you'd need to use Promise#then(), and use the variable provided in that function.

Also, use template literals to improve readability.

keyv.set(receiver, (prevvalue += 1)).then((currentval) => {
  `${sender} has gifted ${receiver} ${gift}! They have ${currentval} gifts right now.`

Guides to understand promises: