How can I find the oracle package name in the Pro*C file?

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Consider the package name as "ORA_DATAUPDATE" which is in oracle database. There are a lot of Pro*C files (more than 100 files) in the UNIX environment. Maybe one or two Proc*C files uses this package "ORA_DATAUPDATE".

Can anyone tell me the unix script to find which Pro*C files contains the "ORA_DATAUPDATE" package name?


There are 2 answers

AudioBubble On

You can try grepping for it?

Or the other way is to for example rename the package to something different, and try to compile .pc's. The ones failing are the files in question...

Rajesh Kumar G On

finally i got the is the unix command to find the search sting in the Pro*c files

       find . -type f | xargs grep "ORA_DATAUPDATE"