Albeit there is some documentation about dataset filtering, the syntax details are only outlined. In my application I want to filter person names with a dataset filter. Normally this works really fast, but I've stumbled over a minor problem filtering for example a TClientDataset
. How can I add a like filter for an umlaut? The expression
[X] LIKE 'Ö%'
(for a given field X
) does not work (in contrast to the expression [X] LIKE 'A%'
). Is this just a bug or do I need to set a charset / encoding somewhere?
Minimal example:
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
LField: TFieldDef;
LCDs: TClientDataSet;
SAMPLE_CHAR: string = 'Ö';
LCds := TClientDataSet.Create(Self);
LField := LCds.FieldDefs.AddFieldDef();
LField.DataType := ftString;
LField.Size := 10;
LField.Name := 'X';
LCDs.FieldByName('X').AsString := SAMPLE_CHAR;
LCds.Filter := '[X] LIKE ' + QuotedStr(SAMPLE_CHAR + '%');
LCds.Filtered := true;
The first message box shows Ö
, whereas the second message box is empty. If you change SAMPLE_CHAR
from Ö
to A
, both message boxes show A
Use ftWideString data type to create a TWideStringField field instead of ftString, which internally creates a TStringField field. TStringField is for ANSI strings whilst TWideStringField for Unicode ones. Do that, otherwise you lose data.
To access TWideStringField value use AsWideString property. I've made a quick test in D 2009, and when I tried to filter the dataset I got this:
Tested code:
I hope it's not related to your Delphi version, but still, I would prefer using FireDAC if you can. There you would do the same for Unicode strings (your code would change by replacing TClientDataSet by TFDMemTable and adding FireDAC units).