I was using a library known as Swiper js. In there i saw something which i am unable to understand. Swiper is giving me a hook which returns all the data related to its state like activeSlide, isLast, isStart and many more without explicitly passing ref to that component.
// import Swiper core and required modules
import { Navigation, Pagination, Scrollbar, A11y } from 'swiper/modules';
import { Swiper, SwiperSlide } from 'swiper/react';
// Import Swiper styles
import 'swiper/css';
import 'swiper/css/navigation';
import 'swiper/css/pagination';
import 'swiper/css/scrollbar';
export default () => {
return (
modules={[Navigation, Pagination, Scrollbar, A11y]}
pagination={{ clickable: true }}
scrollbar={{ draggable: true }}
onSwiper={(swiper) => console.log(swiper)}
onSlideChange={() => console.log('slide change')}
<SwiperSlide>Slide 1</SwiperSlide>
<SwiperSlide>Slide 2</SwiperSlide>
<SwiperSlide>Slide 3</SwiperSlide>
<SwiperSlide>Slide 4</SwiperSlide>
import { useSwiper } from 'swiper/react';
export default function SlideNextButton() {
const swiper = useSwiper();
return (
<button onClick={() => swiper.slideNext()}>Slide to the next slide</button>
As you can see above useSwiper
returns an object swiper
which has a method slideNext
. I want to create a component in a similar manner where i can access the state and update the state from outside without passing any props or refs just how swiper.js is doing.
I have tried to use context and importing the context but it didn't work.
You can create your own context which you can use in all child components.
Create a context
Use the context
Check out this code sandbox for a working example