How can I do following thing through any code,script

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From the Start menu, click Run and type Dcomcnfg.exe. In Component Services, click Console root, expand Component Services, expand Computers, and then click My Computer. On the Action menu, click Properties. In the My Computer Properties dialog box, on the COM Security tab, in the Launch and Activation Permissions section, click Edit Defaults. I want to add users to Edit Default.Can someone can provide me a code/script that does all the functions as doing this thing to each system is a tiresome job


There are 1 answers

Mathias R. Jessen On

Download and install the Windows SDK and compile the dcomperm sample found in

[SDK Installation folder]\Samples\com\fundamentals\dcom\dcomperm

the resulting executable (dcomperm.exe) enables you to edit default launch and activation permissions from the command line