I am trying to find out a way to declare dependency from subspec 'B' to subspec 'A' in the podspec: 'mypodspecfile.podspec' as below:
Pod::Spec.new do |s|
s.name = "MyLib-SDK"
s.version = "1.0"
s.summary = "My Library"
s.homepage = "http://myhomepage.com"
s.ios.deployment_target = "8.0"
s.ios.frameworks = "Foundation", "UIKit", "SystemConfiguration", "Security", "CoreTelephony", "WebKit"
s.source = { :git => "https://github.com/myhome/ios-project.git", :tag => "1.0" }
s.subspec 'MyLibrary-A' do |libOne|
libOne.source_files = "Headers", "Headers/**/*.h"
libOne.exclude_files = "Headers/Exclude"
libOne.resources = "SharedAssets/*"
libOne.libraries = "z","sqlite3" #Zlib for gzip, sqlite3 for event store
libOne.vendored_library = "libMyLibrary_A.a"
s.subspec 'MyLibrary-B' do |libTwo|
libTwo.source_files = "Headers", "Headers/**/*.h"
libTwo.exclude_files = "Headers/Exclude"
libTwo.resources = "SharedAssets/*"
libTwo.dependency 'MyLibrary-A' <-- doesn't seem to be working here!!
libTwo.libraries = "sqlite3" # sqlite3 for db
libTwo.vendored_library = "libMyLibrary_B.a"
When I execute:
$pod spec lint mypodspecfile.podspec --verbose
-ERROR | [iOS] unknown: Encountered an unknown error (Unable to find a specification for MyLibrary-A depended upon by MyLibrary-B
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks you!
You should always write the full path to the pod dependencies. The error states that cocoa pods cannot find the
file for MyLibrary-A in the pod repo(s). To fix the issue, specify full path'MyLib-SDK/MyLibrary-A'
.So your podspec file should look like this: