How can I debug C in Geany?

4.2k views Asked by At

I've googled it, but every result I got said: add a debugger plugin from Plugin manager, but there is not any option for a debugger plugin. How can I solve this problem?

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I use Ubuntu.


There are 1 answers

Peter Mortensen On

The Geany plugin manager only lists already-installed plugins. Despite the name, you can't actually install plugins from Plugin Manager, only enable already-installed ones.

To find and install on Ubuntu:

List available Geany plugins (available through the package system):

apt-cache search geany | grep geany-plugin

Filter for plugins related to bookmarks (as to why not debuggers, see below):

apt-cache search geany | grep geany-plugin | grep -i book

The result is:

geany-plugin-numberedbookmarks - numbered bookmarks plugin for Geany

Install it (based on the exact name from above, "geany-plugin-numberedbookmarks"):

sudo apt-get install geany-plugin-numberedbookmarks

After this, the plugin "Numbered Bookmarks" is now listed in Plugin Manager.

The "Debugger" Geany plugin is not available in later versions of Ubuntu

The web site list of plugins for Geany has "Debugger", but it is not available through the package system in Ubuntu 19.10. You need a Ubuntu version prior to 18.04. On Ubuntu 16.04, the output from apt-cache search geany includes "geany-plugin-debugger – debugger plugin for Geany".

Tested with:

  • Ubuntu 19.10, 64 bit (but using desktop environment Cinnamon instead of GNOME) and Geany version 1.35.

  • Ubuntu 16.10, 32 bit and Geany version 1.27 (2016-04-17).