I have created a Node JS project in Visual Studio (2012 professional and 2013 community) with NTVS and used a Yeoman generator to create a Knockout SPA app (using the typescript option in the generator setup).
Now I need to decide which file to set as the startup file when debugging (hitting F5). I suppose this would be ./src/app/require.config.js because otherwise I get an error that require is undefined.
When I start debugging everything looks fine and a console window appears with the message "Debugger is listening to port 5858". But when I start localhost:5858, there is no server/website.
I can start the app in a server on another port but then no breakpoints are being hit, not even in the startup file.
So my questions are: - what should I set as the startup file? - how do I debug my app in Visual Studio with NTVS?
I have determined that when I add a new empty NTVS project it creates a server.js file with:
var http = require('http');
var port = process.env.port || 1337;
http.createServer(function (req, res) {
res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' });
res.end('Hello World\n');
Setting this as the startup file results in working debugging for this file.
How can I still load require through require.config.js and start my app with startup.ts?
// require.js looks for the following global when initializing
var require = {
baseUrl: ".",
paths: {
"bootstrap": "bower_modules/components-bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min",
"crossroads": "bower_modules/crossroads/dist/crossroads.min",
"hasher": "bower_modules/hasher/dist/js/hasher.min",
"jquery": "bower_modules/jquery/dist/jquery",
"knockout": "bower_modules/knockout/dist/knockout",
"knockout-projections": "bower_modules/knockout-projections/dist/knockout-projections",
"signals": "bower_modules/js-signals/dist/signals.min",
"text": "bower_modules/requirejs-text/text"
shim: {
"bootstrap": { deps: ["jquery"] }
import $ = require("jquery");
import ko = require("knockout");
import bootstrap = require("bootstrap");
import router = require("./router");
// Components can be packaged as AMD modules, such as the following:
ko.components.register('nav-bar', { require: 'components/nav-bar/nav-bar' });
ko.components.register('home-page', { require: 'components/home-page/home' });
// ... or for template-only components, you can just point to a .html file directly:
ko.components.register('about-page', {
template: { require: 'text!components/about-page/about.html' }
ko.components.register('grid-page', { require: 'components/grid-page/grid-page' });
// [Scaffolded component registrations will be inserted here. To retain this feature, don't remove this comment.]
// Start the application
ko.applyBindings({ route: router.currentRoute });
Edit 2
upon further investigation I can start my app with a server.js file as startup file containing
var http = require('http');
var app = require('./src/app/startup.js');
var port = process.env.port || 1337;
but this results in the 'define is not defined' error.
Ok, after a little more research, I think the thing you are trying to do is wrong.
You are attempting to load jquery into a node environment. Node is a browserless execution environment. There is no window. There is no document. Comment from the top of the jquery file:
I believe what you want to do instead is return an html from your server to a browser. That html should reference jquery, bootstrap and knockout - the client side javascript files that work on document - via script tags.
Also note: since the jquery and others are running in a browser, you will be unable to use visual studio to debug them (as far as I can tell). You should instead use browser tools to examine their behavior.