I am using Material UI in my project, and I have a Checkbox
within a div
with a black background. But it doesn't look good because the Checkbox
is black too. How can I change the color of the Checkbox
from black to another color?
How can I customize the color of a Checkbox in Material UI?
119.1k views Asked by kellyxiepei AtThere are 14 answers

Could be two approaches.
- "local"
CheckBox has props labelStyle
and iconStyle
I suppose you can start with adjusting them:
label="Custom icon"
labelStyle={{color: 'white'}}
iconStyle={{color: 'white'}}
I'm not sure if it's enough so may be you need to play with other "Style" props of Checkbox. Checkout everything that has "style" in name.
- Create theme
you can set some theme setting which will only affect the checkbox:
you can use storybook-addon-material-ui
demo page to create your theme and download it.

This worked for me on material-ui 4.1.
Define color
property on with value ="primary"
on Checkbox
<Checkbox color="primary"...>
Overwrite material-ui's styling wrt the primary color. Add this entry into a css file which gets imported into the javascript code that renders the Checkbox
.MuiCheckbox-colorPrimary.Mui-checked {
color: #e82997 !important;

You could use material ui theme.
const theme = createMuiTheme({
overrides: {
MuiCheckbox: {
colorSecondary: {
color: '#custom color',
'&$checked': {
color: '#custom color',

the checkBox has attribute named color and it can have value of default or primary or secondary like :
you can change primary and secondary colors in simple way by over writing their classes Css which for primary is : .MuiCheckbox-colorPrimary
and for secondary is : .MuiCheckbox-colorSecondary
so you can edit in Css : .MuiCheckbox-colorPrimary { color : 'yourColor'}

For me i just needed the table header checkbox changed, this worked for me
.thsvg svg{
fill: white !important;

In MUI v5, There are 2 preferable ways to change the Checkbox
This is useful for one-off style, quickly to set up but only apply to a specific Checkbox
import Checkbox, { checkboxClasses } from "@mui/material/Checkbox";
[`&, &.${checkboxClasses.checked}`]: {
color: 'magenta',
You can see this answer for more detail. Basically the color
prop of some components (e.g. Button
, Checkbox
, Radio
,...) must be one of the colors from the Palette
object, which can be extended to your liking:
import { pink, yellow } from "@mui/material/colors";
import Checkbox, { checkboxClasses } from "@mui/material/Checkbox";
import { createTheme, ThemeProvider } from "@mui/material/styles";
const { palette } = createTheme();
const theme = createTheme({
palette: {
pinky: palette.augmentColor({ color: pink }),
summer: palette.augmentColor({ color: yellow })
<ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
{/* pre-defined color */}
<Checkbox />
<Checkbox color="secondary" />
<Checkbox color="success" />
<Checkbox color="default" />
{/* custom color */}
<Checkbox color="pinky" />
<Checkbox color="summer" />
Live Demo
Related Answer

For any person coming later for an answer,
if the labelStyle
and iconStyle
do not work for you
and you want to be able to change the color later try the following thing:
const useStyles = makeStyles<Theme, {color: string}, "root">({
root: {
color: (props: {color: string}) => props.color,
export default function ColoredCheckbox() {
const styles = useStyles({color: "#whatevercoloryouwant"})
return <Checkbox color="default" className={styles.root} />

It's an old question, but for those who are using material 1.2.
The iconStyle is not working for me.
However, I achieved this by overwriting the existing theme and wrap the 'Checkbox' component to a new one.
import { withStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
import Checkbox from '@material-ui/core/Checkbox';
const checkBoxStyles = theme => ({
root: {
'&$checked': {
color: '#3D70B2',
checked: {},
const CustomCheckbox = withStyles(checkBoxStyles)(Checkbox);
Now you can use the "CustomCheckbox" component in render function.
And when it's checked , the color should be the one you assigned.

For me it is solve by adding root and checked classed
const styles = () => ({
root: {
"&$checked": {
color: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.54)"
checked: {}
and passing it inside classes of checkbox
root: classes.root,
checked: classes.checked
hope this will help others
You need to use the
, but since the checkbox icon is an SVG image, you need to set the color usingfill
instead ofcolor