Some time ago to work on my own projects I created Tailwind components, the projects were vanilla so I used Tailwind with its cdn, my mistake is that I wrote the components with the CSS sitaxis, and what I want now is to create a tailwind plugin to create a NPM package, but to create a Tailwind plugin the styles have to be in a JavaScript object.
This is the way I wrote it above:
const stylesString = `
.flex-center {
@apply flex justify-center items-center;
document.head.innerHTML += `
<style type="text/tailwindcss">
@layer components {
And this is the way you should write it to create a plugin:
const stylesObject = {
'.flex-center': {
"@apply flex justify-center items-center": {},
const tailwindConfig = document.createElement('script');
tailwindConfig.innerHTML = `
const plugin = tailwind.plugin(function lullabyUI({ addComponents }) {
tailwind.config = {
plugins: [plugin]
The problem is that stylesString
has more than 100 components/styles and passing each style written in css syntax to object is very tedious, I'm looking for a way to transcribe code from css to object or create Tailwind components based on @layer components
Thanks for reading.