I'm pretty new to SQL, but Excel has become far too slow to continue working with, so I'm trying SQLiteStudio. I'm looking to create a column in a query showing running total over time (characterized as Schedule Points, marking each percent through a project's run time). Complete marks whether a Location has completed the install (Y/NULL), and is used simply to filter out incomplete locations from further calculations.
I currently have
With cte as(
Select [Location]
,[Schedule Point]
,[Vendor Name]
,[Vendor Zip Code]
,[System Rollup (Import)]
,IIf([Complete] = "Y", [CY20$], 0) As [Completed Costs]
FROM data)
Select [Location]
,[Schedule Point]
,[Vendor Name]
,[Vendor Zip Code]
,[System Rollup (Import)]
,[Completed Costs]
,SUM([Completed Costs]) OVER (PARTITION BY [Obligation/Actual], [Normalized Schedule Location 1%],[System Rollup (Import)], [HW/NonHW]) As [CY20$ Summed]
FROM cte
At this point, what I'm looking to do is a sum not for each Schedule Point, but all prior Schedule Points (i.e. the <=
operator in an Excel sumifs statement)
For reference, here is the sumifs I am trying to replicate:
=SUMIFS($N$2:$N$541790,$AU$2:$AU$541790,"Y",$AQ$2:$AQ$541790,AQ2,$AI$2:$AI$541790,AI2,$AH$2:$AH$541790,AH2,$AJ$2:$AJ$541790, "<=" & AJ2)
is CY20$
, AU
is Complete
, AQ
is System
, AI
is Obligation/Actual
, AH
is HW/NonHW
, AJ
is Schedule Point.
Any help would be appreciated!
The equivalent to SUMIFS is a combination of
in SQL.Abstract example:
In the above,
are logical expressions, the<
are just notifying that you have an expression there, it is not part of the syntax. It is also unnecessary to have exactly 3 conditions, you can have as many as you like. Also, it is unnecessary to useAND
as the operator, you can construct your own expression as you like. The reason for which I have used theAND
operator was that you intend to have a disjunction, presumably, based on the fact that you usedSUMIFS
.A more concrete example:
If we are interested to know how many people have a smaller age than the current person, then we can do a join:
Created a Fiddle based on the ideas described above, you can reach it at https://dbfiddle.uk/?rdbms=sqlite_3.27&fiddle=3cb0232e5d669071a3aa5bb1df68dbca
The code in the fiddle: