How can I create a new project with tasks in Asana using Python?

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I see some questions that have been asked of how to create tasks using an API, but I want to know how to create a new project.

I have predetermined format of how I want to create a new project every time that I want to create a new one. There are specific tasks that I have and each one has its own subtasks. Right now I have a template on Asana and every time I want to create a new project I go to that project and make a copy of it and rename it to what my current project is.

Does anybody know of a way to automate this using Python, this way I can just run the script and put in the details of the name of the project and it will automatically create a new project on Asana (this way if I need to make 5 projects at once I can just make a list of all project names and loop through all of them)?

I know that you need to have a key and I have something which is called API_KEY and is 32 characters long.

ADD ON: Here is the code that I use in Python to access all of the tasks and subtasks in my workspace in Asana:

import asana
api_key = '################################' //my private key goes here
client = asana.Client.basic_auth(api_key)
me =
all_projects = next(workspace for workspace in me['workspaces'])
projects = client.projects.find_by_workspace(all_projects['id'], iterator_type=None)

for project in projects:
    if 'Template' not in project['name']:
    project_id = project['id']
    tasks = client.tasks.find_by_project(project_id, iterator_type=None)

    for task in tasks:
        print("    " + task['name'])
        task_id = task['id']
        task_subtasks = client.tasks.subtasks(task_id, full_payload=True)

        for subtask in task_subtasks:
            print("        " + subtask['name'])

When I run this I get all of my tasks and subtasks for the projects that have the word 'template' in their titles. So, this is how to read, is there that if I save all of this in a JSON format, then every time I want to create a new project I can just upload that JSON and get a new project?


There are 2 answers

shivams On BEST ANSWER

To create a project in asana you need to get workspace or you need to get team id. I created one using workspace. These are steps :-

  1. You go here after logging into asana. This will have workspace ids.
  2. Download python-asana client library from here
  3. In python this is code

    import asana
    client = asana.Client.basic_auth('ASANA_KEY')
    project = {'name':'test','workspace':'WORKSPACE_ID'}

This will create the project on your account. It did in my case. To create a task follow this procedure.

  1. Get project id which will be returned by asana when you will create a project or go here to get one.
  2. Run this code then


This will create task under the project whose id you are providing.

Andrew Noonan On

It looks like you are using the python-asana client library. This library provide a nice wrapper that implements best practices for accessing the Asana API. I would encourage you to read the documentation to fully understand it's design and capabilities.

Creating a project requires the context of an workspace or organization and in the case of an organization additionally requires the context of a team for the project to belong to.

The following code uses the same library to create a project in the "Moon Landing" workspace, if the workspace is an organization it puts the project in the "Astronauts" team.

import asana

client = asana.Client.basic_auth('ASANA_API_KEY')

workspaces = client.workspaces.find_all({"opt_fields": "is_organization, name"})

workspace = next(workspace for workspace in workspaces if workspace['name'] == 'Moon Landing')

project = {'name':'Training','workspace': workspace['id']}

if workspace['is_organization'] :
    teams = client.teams.find_by_organization(workspace['id'])
    team = next(team for team in teams if team['name'] == 'Astronauts')
    project['team'] = team['id']

training = client.projects.create(project)

Once you have created the "Training" project, you can then add tasks to that project like this.

task = client.tasks.create_in_workspace(workspace['id'], {'projects': [training['id']], 'name': 'Learn to fly space craft'})

Then, adding subtasks

client.tasks.add_subtask(task['id'], {'name': 'Turning it on'})