How can I create a mailTo link whos body contains a link containing escape values

615 views Asked by At

I have an api who expects the format:


See the spaces and \ are escaped as %20 and %2f

When I create a maitTo link:


the client (My requirement is outlook only) escapes these values when it creates the email replacing the escaped values in the url with true spaces and slashes, therefore invalidating the url.

End up with this name/file/path as the body

Is there anyway to prevent this by encoding the mailto differently? I don't have a way to edit the apis format at the moment.


There are 1 answers

I wrestled a bear once. On BEST ANSWER

use encodeURIComponent to pass values in a url.

var url = 'mailto:'+
    '?subject='+encodeURIComponent('file name')+
    '&body='+encodeURIComponent(' name/file/path')