I'd like to execute Selenium Grid tests using Maven like this:

mvn verify-Dtest=BaseTest -Dprop.selenium.server.url=http://localhost:4444/wd/hub -Dprop.browser=chrome

I inject ChromeDriver into Test constructor using JUnit5 ParameterResolver interface

   public class MultiBrowserDemoTest {

    RemoteWebDriver driver;

    public MultiBrowserDemoTest(RemoteDriver driver) {
        this.driver = driver.getDriver();

    public void testGrid() {
        WebElement search = driver.findElement(By.name("q"));
        search.sendKeys("JUnit5 extensions");

    void tearDown() {

It works fine. But I can't see how to implement multi-browser test execution.

Let's say, I want to add multiple browsers -Dprop.browser=chrome, firefox, opera, ie11

I created multiple classes implementing ParameterResolver Interface. But JUnit5 does not let me inject them all into my Test Class. It does not create new instances of Test class either.

I tried to use TestInstanceFactory to create new Instances of my Test class and apply separate implementation of ParameterResolver interface, but it did not work for me.

End Result: I can run the same test in multiple browsers in parallel using Selenium Grid and only one Test Class that I will be able to instantiate multiple times with separate webdriver.


There are 1 answers

Sam Brannen On BEST ANSWER

If I understood your scenario correctly, what you are asking for is support for what we call "parameterized containers" (i.e., something analogous to @ParameterizedTest but at the class level), which does not exist yet in JUnit Jupiter.

See JUnit Jupiter issues #871 and #878 for details.