When VoiceOver is on, i'd like to control the way my app is pronounced. For example, if my app is named "BLOT" , currently pronounced "BLAUGHT" - my desired pronounciation would be "BLOAT". I'is this possible?
I've did my research and found that there are ways to control the characters via CFBundleDisplayName on Infoplist.strings
, but havent found anything that fits my particular need. any ideas?
How can i change VoiceOver's pronunciation of my app?
1.2k views Asked by 3254523 At
There are 2 answers

As of iOS 8 and OS X 10.10, you can use the CFBundleSpokenName
Info.plist key to achieve what you want.
Given that my Radar (14077202) asking for a way to do this is still open, I believe you cannot.
Therefore, the only way to do so is to file your own bug with Apple (bugreport.apple.com) and wait for them to provide such a feature.