How can I change page title when I use full page components-Livewire

1.7k views Asked by At
   <title>dynamic title here - {{ config('') }}</title>

if you try this, please let me know.


There are 1 answers

4Jean On

I preferred using JavaScript with Blade Components document.title = 'My Title'

Implemented with Alpine JS

Blade Component (.../components/page-title.blade.php)


<div x-data x-init="document.title = @js($title.' - '.config(''))"></div>

so you can call the page-title component anywhere in your blade flies like this

<x-page-title :title="'Homepage'" />

There could be easier methods of doing it the JavaScript way, but this is what I could think of. Hope it helps

The PHP way could be to pass the $title as a prop to the layout, For Example

    <x-slot name="title">
       Custom Title

    ...Page Content

guest-layout.blade.php now looks like

    <title>{{ $title ?? 'Todo Manager' }}</title>
    {{ $slot }}