I am trying to get the Following Dataset to work but i do not understand how i can Change "&p_bed" with a Parameter so that it can Be changed dynamicly.
SELECT acco.acco_id
from crm.aktivitaeten aktv
,crm.aktivitaetsstatus akst
,crm.v_adressen2 acco
where aktv.akst_id = akst.akst_id
and aktv.acco_id = acco.acco_id
and &p_bed
and acco.pety_id = 3
order by akst.bezeichnung desc,to_char(aktv.wiedervorlage,'YYYYMMDD')
,aktv.erstellt_am desc
For example "&p_bed" is suposed to be able to be "aktv_id = 600" but also "aktv_id >= 600 and aktv_id <= 700"
I have tried to use Oracle Help Center but either i dont understand it corectly or it is not helping my current problem.