How can I change hflex zk of Listbox

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I'm trying to change hflex inside listcell like that but hflex doesn't take by consideration.

    <listbox model="@load(each.taches)">
        <template name="model" var="item">
            <listitem visible="@load(not empty each.taches)">
                <listcell hflex="2">
                    <progressmeter style="span.z-progressmeter-image" value="@load(item.progres)" width="110px"
                <listcell hflex="min" style="text-align:center;">
                    <label width="45px" sclass="badge bg-primary" value="@load(c:cat(item.progres,'%'))"/>

There are 1 answers

Eugene Evdokimov On

hflex attribute should be used in the list headers rather than in the cells:

    <listbox model="@load(each.taches)">
            <listheader hflex="2"/>
            <listheader hflex="min"/>
        <template name="model" var="item">
            <listitem visible="@load(not empty each.taches)">
                    <progressmeter style="span.z-progressmeter-image" value="@load(item.progres)" width="110px"
                <listcell style="text-align:center;">
                    <label width="45px" sclass="badge bg-primary" value="@load(c:cat(item.progres,'%'))"/>

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