How can I allow these card components to cover the white space completely?

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When I render this component WITHOUT the wrapping 'div' tag the ui works fine.

return connectDropTarget(
            <div className="column"> <--works fine if I take this guy out
                <Card >
                    <Image src={basketball_hoop}/>
                        <span className='date'>
                          Joined in 2015
                            Matthew is a musician living in Nashville.
                    <Card.Content extra>
                            <Icon name='user'/>
                            22 Friends

However, in order to use react-drag-and-drop I have to wrap it in a 'div' in order to return it for some reason. When I apply the div tag it shrinks to 75% of its original size.

The name of this^ component is Hoop. You can see it rendered here.

return (
            <div className="ui equal width grid">
                <Card.Group className="equal width row">
                    <Hoop isOver=""/>
                    <Hoop isOver=""/>
                    <Hoop isOver=""/>

How can I make it so that Hoop fill its parent div entirely? I'm using Semantic UI's grid layout.

Edit: you can see the entire component system here -->


There are 1 answers

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I was able to solve this by refactoring(not sure if that is the word) the Hoop.js file a bit more. I removed from the component and made it the drop target. I was then able a) return without the surrounding 'div' tag and b) made the the drop target which was my original intention anyway

Final result:

class Hoop extends React.Component {
render() {

    return (
            <Card className="column">
changed this--> <TargetHoop isOver="" projectname=""/>
                    <span className='date'>
                      Joined in 2015
                        Matthew is a musician living in Nashville.
                <Card.Content extra>
                        <Icon name='user'/>
                        22 Friends


TargetHoopImage.js (New drag drop target)

  const hoopTarget = {
    canDrop(props) {
        return {}

    drop(props) {

function collect(connect, monitor) {
    return {
        connectDropTarget: connect.dropTarget(),
        isOver: monitor.isOver()

class TargetHoop extends React.Component {
    render() {

        const {connectDropTarget, isOver} = this.props;
        return connectDropTarget(
                <Image src={basketball_hoop}/>