I'm currently learning PHP and MySQL and I have been working from a basic (albeit old) login script tutorial - I've come across various depreciated functions and such and I'm trying to improve on this script.
I would like to add different access levels to my script such as admins and users. I have added a row in my 'users' table called 'access' whereby access will be be '1' for users and '9' for admins.
After some initial research it seems I need to be able to store the users access level in a session variable - is this the right way to go about it? If so, how would I retrieve this initially, when the user logs in?
Once the access level is stored in the session variable, how will I then be able restrict access to pages - using header redirects perhaps?
This is the current code I'm working with from functions.php
function checkLogin()
/* Check if user has been remembered */
if(isset($_COOKIE['cookname']) && isset($_COOKIE['cookpass'])){
$_SESSION['username'] = $_COOKIE['cookname'];
$_SESSION['password'] = $_COOKIE['cookpass'];
/* Username and password have been set */
if(isset($_SESSION['username']) && isset($_SESSION['password']))
/* Confirm that username and password are valid */
if(confirmUser($_SESSION['username'], $_SESSION['password']) != 0)
/* Variables are incorrect, user not logged in */
return false;
return true;
/* User not logged in */
return false;
And from login.php
/* Check that all fields were typed in */
if(!$_POST['user'] || !$_POST['pass']){
$errors .= "You didn't fill in a required field.<br/>\n";
/* Once all fields are entered - perform form validation */
/* Checks that username is in database and password is correct */
$md5pass = md5($_POST['pass']);
$result = confirmUser($_POST['user'], $md5pass);
/* Check error codes */
if($result == 1){
$user_errors .= "That username doesn't exist in our database.<br/>\n";
else if($result == 2){
$pass_errors .= "Incorrect password, please try again.<br/>\n";
/* Username and password correct, register session variables */
if (empty($errors) && empty($user_errors) && empty($pass_errors)){
$_POST['user'] = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['user']);
$_SESSION['username'] = $_POST['user'];
$_SESSION['password'] = $md5pass;
/* Quick self-redirect to avoid resending data on refresh */
echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV='refresh' CONTENT='0;URL=index.php'>";
* This is the cool part: the user has requested that we remember that
* and one to hold his md5 encrypted password. We set them both to
* he's logged in, so we set two cookies. One to hold his username,
* expire in 100 days. Now, next time he comes to our site, we will
* log him in automatically.
setcookie("cookname", $_SESSION['username'], time()+60*60*24*100, "/");
setcookie("cookpass", $_SESSION['password'], time()+60*60*24*100, "/");
Any help would be really appreciated as I've been stuck on this for a few days now, thanks.
So this ex assumes that you are checking the limiting resources to roles in your PHP not from the DB. This can be easily changed, but i figured i'd make this ex a little simple.
Account Creation
don't use md5, its easy to implement, and easily overcome. sha is just a litttle more secure with no additional work.
Account Login
This is shortened, i threw the query in, but not alot of the DB logic, write it as its needed, read the comments.
Check user's role