I cannot figure out how to get the relations. Might be easier to see the code. The below function works great. It gets a list of notes and adds the group array relations to each note object when the parameter is passed in. This typical TypeORM.
public async findAll(userId: string, params?: Params): Promise<NoteEntity[]> {
return await this.notesRepository.findAll({
where: { user: { id: userId } },
relations: {
groups: params
? !!Object.keys(params).find((key) => key === "groups")
: false,
However I am attempting to add search. I have the below query which returns the list of notes paginated and sorted, but I cannot figure out how to get the group relations added to the response.
public async findAll(
userId: string,
pageOptionsDto?: PageOptionsDto,
): Promise<PageDto<NoteDto>> {
const queryBuilder = this.dataSource.createQueryBuilder(NoteEntity, "note");
.where("note.userId = :userId", { userId: userId })
.orderBy("note.createdDate", pageOptionsDto.order)
const itemCount = await queryBuilder.getCount();
const { entities } = await queryBuilder.getRawAndEntities();
const pageMetaDto = new PageMetaDto({ itemCount, pageOptionsDto });
return new PageDto(entities, pageMetaDto);
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.