I am new to Twitter API and trying to authenticate and get user details from end point using oauth_token, but don't know how to achieve it.
.controller('loginCtrl', function ($scope, $cordovaOauth, $state, $localStorage, $http) {
$scope.twitterAuthentication = function () {
var ht = window.innerHeight - 57 + 'px';
$cordovaOauth.twitter("fzyTifF0ZwCCOug5C12CUyu1x", "zXT3o1amVWPfgUNiUsX4w1aU0mZqqFn8KtUaIkhU1rsF97ROPh").then(function (result) {
$scope.data = result;
$localStorage.oauth_token = result.oauth_token;
$localStorage.twitter_user_id = result.user_id;
$localStorage.oauth_token_secret = result.oauth_token_secret;
$localStorage.stored_token = JSON.stringify(result);
$state.go('app.twitter', {height: ht});
//This will go to TwitterCtrl
}, function (error) {
.controller('TwitterCtrl', function ($scope, $http, $localStorage, $stateParams, $cordovaOauthUtility) {
var oauth_token = $localStorage.oauth_token;
var oauth_token_secret = $localStorage.oauth_token_secret;
I am able to signin to twitter api and getting oauth_token & oauth_token_secret, but how to get detail from it ? I am stucked here. Trying to fetch details from twitter REST APIs, but don't understand how to get. I find this answer but it also doesn't worked for me. Wasted 2 days.
Use https://dev.twitter.com/rest/reference/get/users/show, which has to pass auth1.0 header like login auth header, required parameters.
Don't forget to include
which is useful to create signature.