So I have a website that I created locally but I would like to have other team members access it. I would also like to test my site using my iPhone for testing purposes. Th thing is when I check the (LAN only) option (shown in the image below) a URL is displayed in the empty box below it. The problem is that when I use that URL the URL in the browser of my iPhone. Nothing displays. Is there an easier way to make my website accessible from other machines locally? Is there a file that I need to edit or are my changes correct?
Update I'm using my internal IP. I can access my site with my laptop but other computers connected to my network cannot access my website. I figure that maybe I need to make a change to my httpd.conf file?
Found a solution! Since I'm working in OSX
Here are my steps:
under option_name Change both values (siteurl and home ) in column option_value to the IPv4 Address you copied from System preferences
Opened MAMP Pro
Helped me