I am using Microsoft Forms for survey purposes and the URL for that form is
Now I when I open this form in a web browser it looks like below
When I read the same page with my below C# code then I am not able to find that HTML text which showing in Forms Pro Page in browser. instead, it showing me some javascript and other code.
using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
string htmlCode = client.DownloadString(https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=BiopSuv_ckSNqp3fkzLnW_NGlVhpUkdKjXPYvQce5XRUQzgwTExXOU0wMlFIT0hFWUpIS04zTlhRVi4u);
So Is there any one way I can able to access that HTML text using my C# code which shows in the browser?
ex:- 1.Do you like this form.