I am currently writing an XML file which models some experimental issue. Unfortunately, many of the associated words come with various synonyms.
What I would like to do is to have a controlled vocabulary or taxonomy which either allows any of the synonyms to be used as the element/ attribute name or at least will easily help users/ programs to resolve this issue.
Is there a way to achieve this?
As an example:
<PrecursorMass />
Here PrecursorMass should be constrained by a controlled vocabulary or an entry in a taxonomy.
Could for instance RDF or SCOS be of help?
How can controlled vocabularies or taxonomies be used to define XML element names or attribute names?
234 views Asked by jallmer At
Designing an ontology using RDFS or OWL (or maybe OWL) would definitely help. For more information please see the following sites:
The following software:
And the following books: