I'm calling the ListConnections method to list all the connections already configured on the system. I am trying to use the getSettings method of the network manager to retrieve the id of each connection, then delete a specific connection with the Delete method The problem is, I can't get just the id. I took example from: https://cgit.freedesktop.org/NetworkManager/NetworkManager/tree/examples/C/qt/change-ipv4-addresses.cpp
My code :
#include <QtDBus/QtDBus>
typedef QMap<QString, QMap<QString, QVariant> > Connection;
Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(QList<QList<uint> >);
const QString NM_SETTING_CONNECTION_SETTING_NAME = "connection";
const QString NM_SETTING_CONNECTION_ID = "id";
const QString NM_SETTING_CONNECTION_UUID = "uuid";
QDBusConnection bus = QDBusConnection::systemBus();
QDBusInterface NetworkManager("org.freedesktop.NetworkManager", // service
"/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Settings", // path
"org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Settings", // interface
qDebug()<< "Failed to connect to the system bus" << NetworkManager.lastError() <<endl ;
return ;
QDBusReply<QList<QDBusObjectPath> > Connections = NetworkManager.call("ListConnections");
qDebug() << "reading saved networks..." << endl;
foreach (const QDBusObjectPath& connection, Connections.value())
qDebug() << "existing connections: " << connection.path() << endl;
QDBusInterface NetworkManagerSettings("org.freedesktop.NetworkManager",
QDBusMessage Settings = NetworkManagerSettings.call("GetSettings");
QVariant t = Settings.arguments().at(0);
qDebug()<< Settings << endl;
qDebug()<< "T :" << t.value<QDBusArgument>().currentType() << endl ; //is Qmap
qDebug()<< "VALUE :" << t.value<QMap <QString,QVariant>>() << endl ;
Connection settings;
QDBusReply<Connection > result2 = NetworkManagerSettings.call("GetSettings");
qDebug()<< "SETTINGS : " << result2.value().isEmpty() << endl;
terminal return:
2021-04-17 15:54:14 : existing connections: "/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Settings/9"
2021-04-17 15:54:14 : QDBusMessage(type=MethodReturn, service=":1.13", signature="a{sa{sv}}", contents=([Argument: a{sa{sv}} {"ipv6" = [Argument: a{sv} {"address-data" = [Variant: [Argument: aa{sv} {}]], "addresses" = [Variant: [Argument: a(ayuay) {}]], "dns" = [Variant: [Argument: aay {}]], "dns-search" = [Variant(QStringList): {}], "method" = [Variant(QString): "auto"], "route-data" = [Variant: [Argument: aa{sv} {}]], "routes" = [Variant: [Argument: a(ayuayu) {}]]}], "connection" = [Argument: a{sv} {"id" = [Variant(QString): "Auto SFR_7080"], "interface-name" = [Variant(QString): "wlp8s0"], "permissions" = [Variant(QStringList): {}], "timestamp" = [Variant(qulonglong): 1618667506], "type" = [Variant(QString): "802-11-wireless"], "uuid" = [Variant(QString): "a6a7d882-5483-49d9-84c0-d3de815d5bc7"]}], "proxy" = [Argument: a{sv} {}], "ipv4" = [Argument: a{sv} {"address-data" = [Variant: [Argument: aa{sv} {}]], "addresses" = [Variant: [Argument: aau {}]], "dns" = [Variant: [Argument: au {}]], "dns-search" = [Variant(QStringList): {}], "method" = [Variant(QString): "auto"], "route-data" = [Variant: [Argument: aa{sv} {}]], "routes" = [Variant: [Argument: aau {}]]}], "802-11-wireless-security" = [Argument: a{sv} {"auth-alg" = [Variant(QString): "open"], "key-mgmt" = [Variant(QString): "wpa-psk"]}], "802-11-wireless" = [Argument: a{sv} {"mac-address-blacklist" = [Variant(QStringList): {}], "mode" = [Variant(QString): "infrastructure"], "security" = [Variant(QString): "802-11-wireless-security"], "seen-bssids" = [Variant(QStringList): {"24:95:04:E0:70:84"}], "ssid" = [Variant(QByteArray): {83, 70, 82, 95, 55, 48, 56, 48}]}]}]) )
2021-04-17 15:54:14 : T : 4
2021-04-17 15:54:14 : VALUE : QMap()
2021-04-17 15:54:14 : SETTINGS : true
I don't understand why my QMap is empty? how come it doesn't contain anything at all? How to retrieve the id that corresponds to the ssid
Try using
instead of
So the function call would look something like below:
And output would look something like below: