I have the next function in objective c
+ (NSString *)getNsLog:(NSString *)pString, ...{
va_list args;
va_start(args, pString);
NSLogv(pString, args);
return [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:pString arguments:args];
how can I call this function from swift or convert the code to swift such that when I call the function can be:
getNslog("my value1 = %@ value2 = %@","hello","world")
Note that the second param not have alias how this.
getNslog("my value1 = %@ value2 = %@", args:"hello","world")
I solved follow:
in objective c change my code to this:
in swift app delegate I add
now I can call the function
I based in the post duplicated How do you call an Objective-C variadic method from Swift?