Seriously, I have no idea where to start. How do I implement a helper breadcrums without using gems? I tried some gems, but I preffer make a simple helpe. Exist someone or some tutorial? I not found this =/
Seriously, I have no idea where to start. How do I implement a helper breadcrums without using gems? I tried some gems, but I preffer make a simple helpe. Exist someone or some tutorial? I not found this =/
You cant do this.
In your application_helper:
def breadcrumb(&block)
content_tag :ol, { :class => "breadcrumb", :itemprop => "breadcrumb" } do
def breadcrumb_item(name = nil, url = nil, html_options = {}, &block)
if name or block
html_options[:class] = "#{html_options[:class]} active" unless url
content_tag :li, html_options do
if block name, url
url ? link_to(name, url) : name
Now in views you paste this: (I used index_path and - you can paste this code on show view as an example
<%= breadcrumb do %>
<%= breadcrumb_item "index", index_path %>
<%= breadcrumb_item %>
<% end %>
Now when you need some breadcrumb you can just call this trunck above and change the path and the instance variables @your_variable
I further worked on Elton Santos's solution and decided breadcrumbs should be automatic like history. So I modified some code:
In my application.html.erb
<%= render_navigation %>
In my views, I was already using:
<% content_for :heading do 'User Detail' end %>
So, my navigation_helper.rb look like:
module NavigationHelper
def navigation_add(title, url)
nav_list = session['navigation'].present? ? session['navigation'] : []
nav_list << { 'title' => title, 'url' => url }
# 1. Take last 3 items only (-1 is last, not -0)
nav_list = nav_list[-3..-1] if nav_list.length > 3
# 2. Now, if first is pointing root, remove it
nav_list.shift if nav_list[0]['url'] == '/'
# 3. If last one is same as its predecessor, remove it
nav_list.pop if nav_list.length > 1 && (nav_list[-1]['url'] == nav_list[-2]['url'])
session['navigation'] = nav_list
def render_navigation
render partial: 'shared/navigation', locals: { nav_list: session['navigation'] }
and finally, _navigation.html.erb:
<ol class="breadcrumb">
<li><%= link_to '/' do %>
<i class="fa fa-home"></i> Home <% end %>
<i class="fa fa-angle-double-right" style="color: #ccc; padding: 0 5px;"></i>
<% nav_list.each_with_index do |nav, i| %>
<% if i != nav_list.length-1 %>
<li><%= link_to nav['title'], nav['url'] %></li>
<% else %>
<li class="active"><%= nav['title'] %></li>
<% end %>
<% end %>
So, what's going up here is; I save every page title in session and build breadcrumbs from that. I keep recent three entries only along with hard-coded one for Home and remove duplicate entries when they are not apart.
My solution:
And any view: