I want to know if google my business api returns ALL reviews in each call or it might not return some of them if the number of reviews are a lot?
Using this link
(https://developers.google.com/my-business/reference/rest/v4/accounts.locations.reviews/list) , my code is based on the code provided here (https://developers.google.com/my-business/content/review-data#list_all_reviews). The account I am listing its reviews has more than 83000 reviews for its all locations and once I execute the code it might return about 81000 reviews and the second time 2 or 3 thousands more and another time 75000 reviews. Has anyone encountered something similar?
How accurate Google My Business api returns the Reviews for all locations of an account?
1k views Asked by Shila Mosammami At
This is a known bug for locations with many reviews, the only workaround that exists is already close what you are describing: iterate through the reviews multiple times and aggregate all distinct reviews.