I'm creating a map in TileMill which shows the age of various buildings by color. I have 4 data layers (each with 50 years of building construction, so it can be toggled on/off) and a base layer.
Within TileMill I can see tooltips when I hover over the shapefiles. I've customized them so it shows the age of construction of the building the cursor is hovering over. However when I export to MBTiles to upload to MapBox for integration on my website, the hover functionality is gone, and there is no legend.
I have searched for hours for help on MapBox's website and API. I am not using Markers so I cannot use that as a solution (there are over 800,000 buildings). Is there any way to do this?
var map = L.mapbox.map('map', 'jacobs74.xoonovka', {
legendControl: {
// any of the valid control positions:
// http://leafletjs.com/reference.html#control-positions
position: 'bottomleft'
}, zoomControl: false
.setView([41.8928, -87.6491], 14),
markerLayer = L.mapbox.markerLayer().addTo(map);
map.gridControl.options.follow = true;
new L.Control.Zoom({ position: 'topright' }).addTo(map);
var gridLayer = L.mapbox.gridLayer('jacobs74.xoonovka');
map.addControl(L.mapbox.gridControl(gridLayer, {follow: true}));
}, {
'Thru 1899': L.mapbox.tileLayer('jacobs74.s37bpdgq'),
'1900-1949': L.mapbox.tileLayer('jacobs74.fi084ush'),
'1950-1999': L.mapbox.tileLayer('jacobs74.yh8prbfi'),
'2000-Now': L.mapbox.tileLayer('jacobs74.awsw2ji1')
It's a bit unclear where your issue is. Please include a copy of your code. As for creating a tooltip for tile as well as marker layers. Just set the
option to truemap.gridControl